Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Righteous Sinner

The message Sunday night really impacted me in terms of understanding that I see usually myself as a "sinner" instead of as "righteous" in God's sight. I am a sinner, but like was taught God sees me through Jesus as "righteous" and I am justified, sanctified and righteous.

Why don't more churches talk about this? It seems the focus is usually on being a sinner rather than being righteous through Jesus.

The prayer with the mud was also really remindful and I have my little stone with me. I love when when we have prayer elements like that.

Vintage Faith is a very special and very wonderful community. God is in our midst.


Anonymous said...

Why don't more churches talk about this? They do. Or at least many do. "Righteous Sinner" is a major thread of Renovare and the spiritual formation conference circle of participants. Its just that emergent people, like everyone else pretty much, live in their own ghetto. It is work to stay informed and be familiar with the those outside our immediate experience. Lets all do the work of that.

renew said...

I have been part of several churches and I have never heard of the "righteous" focus before. So it is new to me!

I would also hope more churches talk about this.