Sunday, January 21, 2007

A man I consider wise once told me that our walk with God was like a trip to Disneyland. Somewhere along our trip down Highway 5, we pulled off and got lost. We spent years lost on this road, not knowing how to get back. Somewhere in the middle of nowhere, Jesus came, and directed us back to the freeway. So what did we do? We set up a monument on the spot. A huge sign with flashing lights that tells everyone what happened. This is NOT the way to Disneyland, we got lost, but now we have found our way back to Highway 5 with Jesus' help. We hand out brochures, and hold meetings, it is so great to not be lost anymore! Somewhere along the way, we forgot that God made us to go to Disneyland. Jesus didn't find us so we'd know where the road was, he found us so we would get back on it.

I find myself so caught up in that moment when Jesus found me, whispered in my ear, and called me back to the road. That alone is good enough for me, and I can never thank Him enough. But, Jesus is calling me back to the road. All I want is to stay where I am, where I know. But, He whispers to me, this is only the beginning. He doesn't seem as concerned as I am about getting lost again. He isn't worried about whether or not I'll have enough gas, money, food. He is just excited to see me back on the road He made me for.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

People should read this.